About Desi Hirner

Desi Hirner

Traveller, Wildlife lover, Photographer

I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. I’m now a New Zealand based photographer, ceramist & multi media artist.

Raised in a family of keen photographers & wildlife lovers, my passion for the wild & photography developed during my early childhood.

My work celebrates the wonders of the natural world. I also explore the coexistence of people & wildlife.

Photography is a great tool to express your creativity. My aim is to show the beauty of the wild, its unique features & characteristics. I try not just to document but to create art.

I only photograph animals in the wild, never in captivity. My images are fantastic moments that I have personally witnessed and I do not use drones or camera-traps in my work.

I believe that showing people the beauty of our natural world through my photographs and getting enough people to care, is the best chance of conserving the wild.